Help me understand availability limits when creating cards
You may be wondering what to do with all availability limit settings when creating a daily special, happy hour, or update. This article will walk you through each availability limit control and help you understand what each is used for.
Time Range Control
Use the time range control to set when your card will appear in the feed on the Klickle app. The Klickle app feed is divided into the following time sections:
Morning 4:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Lunch 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Afternoon 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Dinner 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Evening 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Late Night 10 PM to 4:00 AM
You can set your card to appear within a time section or to span multiple time sections. If you set your card to span multiple time sections your card will move throughout the day into the appropriate section.
Date Range Control
Use the date range control to set how long your card will appear in the feed on the Klickle app. For example if you have a regular happy hour drink special that always occurs every week on Friday during the months of November, December and January, then set your date range from November 1 to January 31. Your happy hour card will begin to appear on November 1 and it will no longer appear after January 31.
Valid Days Control
Use the valid days control to set what days during the week your card will appear on. Using the example above of a happy hour drink special that occurs every week on Friday, you would select just Friday on the control. This would ensure that your happy hour card appeared in the Klickle app only on Fridays and would run from November 1 to January 31. Proper use of the date range control and the valid days control can save a lot of time and prevent you from having to recreate a card each week. Just set it and forget it!
Audience Control
Use the sliding audience control to determine whether your card shows to everyone, only users who have specified themselves as male or only users who have specified themselvesas female. This can help you target your cards for the appropriate audience you wish to target.
Participating Stores Control
User the participating stores control to set at what stores your card is valid. You can make your card valid for all stores or just one store.